11.04.11 - 17.04.11
I started this week with very open eyes, trying to get a feel for how much I had changed, improved and progressed and at the end of it I was very happy, Sure there were some aspects that could have been better, but they aren't so bad that I cant fix them in the following 15 weeks. So the week...
I signed up for and actually managed to attend the swim session at Rosenblatt Pool. I saw the set list and it involved a fair amount of kick and pull drills, which aren't my favourite, and wondered what I had got myself in for. However Ian and Claire, the coaches explained that they didn't believe in using swimming aids to help get through these sets and they then explained about engaging your core to provide the stability and buoyancy. I wasn't convinced and the prospect of taking of loads of water as I splashed about like a drunk in puddle seemed imminent... But I got it and after an exhausting session I felt that I had actually managed to improve my position in the water and that made my stroke that much more effective.
I had to work an evening shift on Tuesday and this left me time in the morning for a nice ride. it was really wierd watching everyone head off to work while I was cruising by on my bike. I set off for a 2 hour ride and came back on top of the world. I had once again set a average speed in excess of 30km/h and felt really good at the end of the ride. This is my ideal race pace and with he time remaining till IMUK I feel that I will be able to build on that and possibly even surpass my previous goals for the ride.
Wednesday is always my favourite day as its the long swim and this evening it was the 30 minute Time Trial. I felt a little stiff in the shoulders from Mondays swim session and the fact that I had been shifting a load of heavy chairs in the afternoon didn't help. The warm up soon sorted the stiffness out and soon it was TT time. I tried to employ all that I had learnt on Monday and as I got into the swim I could I was gliding through the water better. I finished with a new PB of 1725m, the 3rd furthest out of the session. I felt awesome as I continued with the remainder of the sets, I was a bit hesitant when I was told I would need to move lanes soon but I figured I would cross that bridge when I got to it..
I was very glad when Thursday rolled around as I was knackered and it was a rest day. I enjoyed just chilling out and relaxing but a little part of me was still eager to do some exercise.
Friday was another swim session and by now my arms were feeling very heavy and more than a little stiff in the shoulders. I got into the middle lane and was having a bit of a laugh with some of the other guys as we swam our warm ups, when I suddenly heard my name being called... Thanks Vicky. Vicky is one of the best swimmers in the club, organised the 30 MinTT and had just told the coach of the fast lane that I needed to change lanes. It was tough, good but tough! We were swimming 400m sets and I was struggling to keep up with Mark who was leading the pack, i was pushing so hard that I kept on clipping the lane divider so hard that bythe time the session was over my hand was bright red and now 3 days later is still bruised. We did however manage to swim 400's in around 7 minutes which is fairly quick. I got out the pool and for the first time in a long time I felt like I had actually had a workout, so Thanks Vicky! I was so amped by this session that I went home and spent a solid hour on the turbo trainer working up a pretty hefty sweat... I slept well!
The weather on Saturday was perfect, sunny with a little breeze just to take the edge off the heat and I set off for a quick 45 minute ride and then a 2 hour run. (Note however that this is the first run session this week) It was a good run, I went and did a little exploring found some new parks on the outskirts of Oxford, Got a tan (I had to take my t-shirt off as I didn't want to end up with nipple rash again) and was feeling tired by the end of the run. However I had run less than a half marathon and had been struggling to keep my heart rate down... Lack of running for sure! Running needs attention.
The good weather continued though to Sunday and I set off fairly early for a 4 hour ride. I am beginning to really enjoy these rides as its an opportunity to explore the countryside at a pace slower than speeding along in a car. I spent most of the time in the aero bars which is good training for IMUK as I plan on spending 6 hours hunched/tucked down. The ride was fast and I was pushing it a bit but not going crazy as I knew I had a longish ride ahead of me and wanted to make it home in one piece. I managed to cover 104kms in 3:41 and set an average spped of 28km/h which I was really happy with especially for that amount of time. I did get home with jelly legs, but was up and about walking around in half an hour. I now know what needs to be done over the next 15 weeks and feel confident that I can easily get to 30km/h over 6 hours.
So the week was successful and I managed to cover a fair few hours and kilometres,
Hours - 13
Kms - 239.2
So week 15 done, first half of the training plan done - bring on week 16 and the second half.
Certainly seems as though you are maintaining the desired progress from couch potato to ironman.I get the feeling that after the race you will continue with this regime.You have taken on a whole new lifestyle.