Monday, 4 April 2011

Week 13

28.03.11 - 03.04.11

The rest week did the trick, I didn't manage all the hours but only by an hour so I am very happy, and this week saw me turn a year older... I have however managed to hang onto my boyish good looks, wit and charm...

After a nice relaxing week I was back in business and Monday saw me splashing about in the pool as I led the lane at a 'challenging' pace, according to the coach. I now have to move up a lane so that I continue to improve and thats a good thing. I felt really comfortable in the water but did feel as if I was pushing, the arms felt like they had worked, and this came back to bite me on the ass on Wednesday...

Tuesday was a brilliant day and so in order to kill two birds (increasing petrol prices and bike fitness) I rode into work. The route is fairly flat and fast as well as being on quite roads and this made for a great start to the day. I made it to work in a little over an hour and still felt fresh for the remainder of the day. On the way home I managed under an hour (just) but felt good enough to go for a 30 minute run straight after. I could feel straight away that I hadn't been doing any brick sessions recently as my legs started to cramp up from the sudden change in motion. I have therefore decided to include more brick sessions in a week and the best place is on the weekends. Riding to work is great way to start the day as well as being cheaper than a car.

After a quiet Wednesday at work I was looking forward to my long swim, that was until I got into the pool and started swimming. My arms were killing me and the water felt like a mixture of concrete and jelly. I struggled through the session as it was also a kicking session, so combining knackered arms and uncoordinated kicking, I just about prevented myself from drowning... I was oh so glad to get out of the pool, although driving home proved a little challenging...

Thursday rolled around and although I was going to ride into work, I was shattered, my arms were dead and I could barely lift them enough to wash my hair. I was exhausted and so decided to make Thursday my rest day! Happiness all round this was also made possible by only having a half day at work...

Friday (My Birthday) and I started the day off with a nice hour long run, 34 didn't feel half bad now that it was here... The run was great, it was my first proper run since the half marathon. I  also tried a negative split, which just meant running an out and back route, with the return route being run quicker than the out. I managed it, which was great. I was meant to swim on Friday evening, however as I was having friends round for a little party I had to miss it due to time/preparation constraints... My arms didn't mind so much, surprisingly... I had a good party, with good friends and good food. I also had my first birthday ever since I turned 18 (cough cough) without having any alcohol... It was a decision I had made that I wasn't going to drink like crazy, but the evening went by without me thinking of drinking. I must also thank my friends on this one, as none of them tried to pressure me into drinking, so "Thanks Guys!" 

Waking up after a party feeling as right as rain and smelling of daisies is a good thing. I was going to brick it today and Saturdays has now become my long run day as I want to start riding with the Tri Club on Sundays. I jumped on my bike and headed off for a quick short ride just to start the brick session. I flew around the 20km course with an average of 31.5km/h and once home, slid into my running shoes and hit the road. The weather was brilliant and my legs felt like machines, I couldn't help feeling I had forgotten something, until I spotted a club member, Luke,running. My eyes flew to the water bottle in his hands and it all became clear. I could picture my bottle on the kitchen counter, looking refreshingly cool with condensation drops clinging to the side of the bottle. I was suddenly thirsty. 
The last half hour was hell, my heart rate was up, my legs were starting to ache, my feet were hurting and I felt like I was boiling over. I stopped for a few minutes in the shade of a massive tree and cooled down a little. I knew I had twenty minutes left to run, how hard could that be... I shot off and just concentrated on trying to keep my heart rate down. I eventually got home, drenched in sweat and the first glass of water felt like magic. It was a new high pace for 10 miles and when I saw this I suddenly felt fantastic, although the lesson had been a tough one and hopefully I shall never be a forgetful idiot like that again.

I woke up expecting to feel sore legs but they were fine, no stiffness, no pain, no hint of any exercise at all... I had overslept a little and so missed the Tri ride, but still, Sunday was my log ride day and seeing as I was going for a hilly ride and was going to combine it with a short run after, I decided to just aim for 3 hours. The weather wasn't great  and I needed a long sleeve jersey, I also decided to pack my raincoat as well, just in case... I jumped on my bike, made a final check on drinks and nutrition and pedalled off. 
I was feeling AWESOME and the first big climb came and went in what I think was my fastest ever ascent of it. I shot over the other side and just decided to explore and have fun, while cycling hard. I pedalled merrily round a corner and came face to face with a 10% incline that was wet and muddy and that made for a hole lot of fun. I needed to get out of my saddle to get up the hill, but when ever I stood up, my back wheel spun out on all the wet mud. I eventually made it to the top after being overtaken by a tractor... He had an engine alright... I looked across the land and saw hills left right and centre... Right, I wanted climbs, I got climbs!! 
I eventually saw a sign to Aylesbury (where my brother lives) and as it was only 18kms away I turned towards it and a few more climbs. I got as close as I could before hitting a very busy road and choosing to turn back, I suddenly realised that each one of those downhills on the way here, had turned into uphills on the way back. I had a great ride exploring the countryside and flexing my climbing muscles but my legs were dead by the time I got home, it took all the will power in the world for me to climb into my running shoes and go for a run. It was the first time I had run on very tired cycling legs and the feeling was really bizarre. After a few minutes they suddenly remembered what to do and I was off. It was only a 15 minute run but I feel that it did me the world of good.

Looking back, its one of those weeks I am very happy with.
I exercised for 10:35:43 out of a planed 12 and
I covered 187.61kms.

That was week 13 and I survived, bring on no. 14.


1 comment:

  1. This is very impressive.Nice to see that stiffness of arms and legs is reducing so showing good signs of your huge progress so far.Keep on maintaining this progress and the Ironman will be a doddle.
