Sunday, 13 March 2011

Week 10

07.03.11 - 13.03.11

This was a funny week, and I should be upset as I didn't hit the prescribed hours, however all the sessions that I did do were all very good sessions... I missed out on my hours by 4 and that was lost by the lack of a long ride this sunday. I have hurt my back slightly while at work with lots of heavy lifting and the thought of being hunched over for 4 hours did not appeal to me. I Don't feel that it is a long term injury as after a little rest and a hot bath I am feeling as right as rain. I have also had to adjust my schedule as from next week I start the Build Phase, and this phase includes 1 more swim session and an extra brick session which is incorporated into my long ride day. This phase also concentrates on building Power and Speed as well as increasing duration. This means that my rest day will have to be moved as OxfordTri offer a 3rd swim session on Mondays.

This week was also made difficult thanks to work... if only I was rich enough not to need a full time job...

I did however manage a 3000m swim and all the runs that I did do during the week were all faster paces. I am not going to put any numbers up as they aren't really worthy. 

There are a few things that have caught my attention;

1 - My kicking while swimming is very weak and if I could improve that then I feel that I would be a faster and more efficient swimmer. So I will going to all OxTri sessions as they always include kicking drills.

2 - I need to fall in love with cycling again. I love swimming and I love running. I am improving in both of these disciplines yet with my cycling I feel that I am not improving. I am riding longer at the same pace as when I started but I feel that I need to do something to improve my ability on the bike. I think a way to fix this would be to go to the OxTri indoor turbo sessions as its very structured and being amongst others who are better than me might have the same effect as the swimming sessions did. I also need to get off the same old routes and as Patrick, a Club member said 'just get out there and explore'.

3 - Running is going well, I ran 10 miles on Saturday and shaved 3 minutes off my previous time. I did this by running with my housemate, who is like a gazelle, and in order to keep up with him I was having to run outside of my Zone 2 heart rate. I did struggle to keep going at that pace for the final mile of our 11 mile run but at least I know that I can run faster when pushed.

I did spend a large portion of Saturday stripping my bike down andservicing, lubing and greasing up all and sundry and she nows look gleaming. Now just to get out there on her.

So folks watch this space for hopefully a new and improved me.

Bring on week 11



  1. Dude, really! Get the Sunday Rides in with OxfordTri! THere are people enough who take up different distances etc, deffo a good way toget out there and fall in love with cycling again!

    Take care,


  2. I see that you are learning a valuable lesson,ie if you want to improve compete with people slightly better than you(to up your game) or to train with people of a similar mindset.Keep on this way and you will succeed,no problem.Nice one.

  3. I think your dedication is admirable. You also seem to be maturing mentally as well. Well done very,very proud of you.
